I compose and record music of many kinds, including rock, progressive rock, classical, electronica, folk, dance, theme tunes, film music, background music, jingles and indeed music for any occasion. Please contact me to discuss a commission.

I am a member of two legendary (in the sense of fictional) bands, Lyrian and The Blossom.

Here are the lyrics of the song I wrote for the farewell party at the Bodleian Bibliography Room at the Story Museum (on 21 August 2015). The performance, such as it is, can be heard here.


Chorus: So let's drink to the chases, the kisses and presses
The bliss when you pull, your imposing successes
With a forme on your bed and the sheets' soft caresses
And ink on your balls you can face this life's stresses

Behold the punch and counter-punch
The shape that's struck into the mat
Behold the gloves, behold the lead
The character that's cast down flat.
With many jerks and many shakes
The final end of this process is
Mould and slug, and face configured
By the force the punch possesses

So let’s drink ...

Compose your face and feel the groove
Take your stick and paper hat
With mutton and some nuts we'll cook
Some pie to make our faces fat
Ears and eyes and beards all shine
Small caps are worn, a dresser dresses
We do some lines, we drop some es
How short our vowels, how long our esses

So let’s drink ...

The students come to learn the craft
They must not call typefaces "fonts"
They learn to set, and beat and pull
And wisdom grows in every bonce
There's Jane who thought that hair-space meant
The place where she could comb her tresses
And André – with accute accent
Which in both senses he possesses

So let’s drink ...

And so the Room is moving forward
Drawn on by Thomas Bodley's demon
Embarking on a ship of fools
With captains but no trace of seamen
A galley slave I will not be
Nor yet one who frets and obsesses
Perhaps in time I will return
And learn to love the more that less is
And so I end my sentence here
Almost as long as Rudolph Hess's
With beer and wine my nose will shine
Yes like the Dong's it luminesces

So let’s drink ...